

Page history last edited by Darren Kuropatwa 16 years, 6 months ago

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(Listed in reverse chronological order)






Extreme Web 2.0 Lesson Plan Makeover

November 2008 

Special Area Groups: Business and Information Technology Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Mary Institute and St. Louis Country Day School Teacher Training

July 21, 2008 

St. Louis, MO, USA

Keynote presenatation focusing on 21st century pedagogies followed by hands-on workshops about leveraging the internet and social media to enhance student learning.

Everything New is Old Again (with Clarence Fisher)

July 18, 2008

Building Learning Communities Conference, Boston, MA, USA

A survey of how societal changes, influenced by advances in internet technologies, have pedagogical ramiffications.

A Day In The Life (of a teacher teaching with technology)

(major update of earlier presentation)

July 17, 2008

Building Learning Communities Conference, Boston, MA, USA

A typical day in the life of a teacher whose pedagogy is infused with all sorts of web 2.0 tools. Explores how teaching and professional development intersect in the course of a normal day and how a blog can serve as the central hub for the online presence of several different classes. The discussion focused more on pedagogy than how a particular tool works.

What Can I Do Now That I Couldn't Do Before?

July 16, 2008

Building Learning Communities Conference, Boston, MA, USA

A concrete step-by-step overview of how Darren Kuropatwa leverages flickr, Google Docs, blogs, SlideShare.net and the internet to develop "expert voices" and foster creativity in his students. The model shown can be easily transferred to other domains and disciplines. We also look at a new spin on assessment and how to involve students deeply in the design of assessment rubrics.

Multiple Literacies from 21srt Century Learners' Perspectives  

April 14, 2008

Pan-Canadian Interactive Literacy Forum, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

A collaborative presentation by Darren Kuropatwa and Chris Harbeck and six of their students about how technology has changed their learning landscape. A model of digital literacy applied to the teaching and learning of mathematics in middle and high school.

A Day in the Life of a Teacher Teaching With Technology

(presented online, significant update of earlier version)

March 19, 2008

Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada 

A presentation for undergraduate students in Dean Shareski's  ECMP 355: Computers in the Classroom course.

A Day in the Life of a Teacher Teaching With Technology

(presented online, Elluminate Recording available)

January 22, 2008

Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

A presentation for graduate students in Prof. Alec Couros'  Curriculum & Instruction 831: Computers in the Classroom course.

EdTech Connect with the conveners of the K12 Online Conference 2007 

(presented online with Lani Ritter-Hall)

September 19, 2007

Discovery Educators Network, North America

Presentation given to the Discovery Educator Network as a Webinar (seminar on the web) with Lani Ritter-Hall, one of the co-conveners for the K12 Online Conference.

Learning The Guitar or thinking about innovation in education

(presented online, remixed update of earlier version)

August 29, 2007

Science Leadership Academy, Philadelphia, PA, USA

A remix and update of an earlier presentation with the same title given virtually to teachers at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Watch It Do It Teach It

(presented online)

August 23, 2007

St. Elisabeth's Catholic School, Van Nuys, California, USA

A talk on how to incorporate the use of daily class scribes across disciplines in a K-8 environment.

Adams County School Division #14 Teacher Training

August 9 & 10, 2007

Commerce City, Colorado, USA

A two day intensive series of workshops on effectively weaving the use of online social media meaningfully and concretely into pedagogical practice and “child safe” blogging practices.

Developing Expert Voices

July 20, 2007

Building Learning Communities Conference, Boston, MA, USA

An indepth look at a major insurmountable problem with assessment showcasing a practical and powerful model to alleviate the issue.

New Tools, New Pedagogies: What Can I Do Now That I Couldn't Do Before?

July 19, 2007

Building Learning Communities Conference, Boston, MA, USA

A workshop on how to think about using the functionality of new web-based tools pedagogically. Two case studies using flickr and pbwiki are illustrated.

Learning The Guitar or thinking about innovation in education

(significant update of earlier version)

July 19, 2007

Building Learning Communities Conference, Boston, MA, USA

A workshop modeling how to think about leveraging blogs and a suite of supportive online tools to innovate educational practice.

Amplifying Serendipity

May 9, 2007

Manitoba Librarians Association Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The changing face of education influenced by rapid technological and social change and the implications for the work of librarians.

Learning The Guitar or thinking about innovation in education

(presented online)

February 20, 2007

Prairie South School Division #210, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada

A workshop modeling how to think about leveraging blogs and a suite of supportive online tools to innovate educational practice. 

Personal Learning Environments Symposium

January  26, 2007

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Plenary presentation with George Seimens and Clarence Fisher, about leveraging blogs and a suite of supportive online tools to innovate educational practice.

Stop The Presses: Numeracy Across the Curriculum

December 8, 2006

Elmwood High School, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

How can non-math teachers teach mathematical literacy across the curriculum?

OLÉ - Orchestrating a Learning Ecology (or Learning the Tango)


September 2006

St. John's Ravenscourt, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The tango provides a metaphor to provide an indepth look at how a blog can become a learning ecology. 

OLÉ - Orchestrating a Learning Ecology (or Learning the Tango)


July 19 & 21, 2006

Building Learning Communities Conference, Boston, MA, USA

The tango provides a metaphor to provide an indepth look at how a blog can become a learning ecology. 


(update of earlier version)

July 20, 2006

Building Learning Communities Conference, Boston, MA, USA

A lightening fast introduction to a selection of powerful online tools that teachers and students can use in and out of the classroom.


March 2006

Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 

A lightening fast introduction to a selection of powerful online tools that teachers and students can use in and out of the classroom. 

OLÉ - Orchestrating a Learning Ecology (or Learning the Tango)

February 24, 2006

Build Your Teaching Experience (BYTE) Conference, Minnedosa, Manitoba, Canada

The tango provides a metaphor to provide an indepth look at how a blog can become a learning ecology. 

Rip, Mix, Learn

February 24, 2006

Build Your Teaching Experience (BYTE) Conference, Minnedosa, Manitoba, Canada


An overview of a suite of internet technologies (blogs, RSS, social bookmarking, flickr) and models for how they can be used concretely in the classroom. Also includes some discussion for the direction these developments may have for the future of education.

Rip, Mix, Learn

February 2006

Grant Park High School, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

An overview of a suite of internet technologies (blogs, RSS, social bookmarking, flickr) and models for how they can be used concretely in the classroom. Also includes some discussion for the direction these developments may have for the future of education.

Rip, Mix, Learn

January 2006

The Grey Academy of Education, Winnipeg,  Manitoba, Canada

An overview of a suite of internet technologies (blogs, RSS, social bookmarking, flickr) and models for how they can be used concretely in the classroom. Also includes some discussion for the direction these developments may have for the future of education.

OLÉ - Orchestrating a Learning Ecology (or Learning the Tango)

December 2005

Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 

The tango provides a metaphor to provide an indepth look at how a blog can become a learning ecology.

Rip, Mix, Learn

October 21,  2005

Special Area Groups: Mathematics Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

An overview of a suite of internet technologies (blogs, RSS, social bookmarking, flickr) and models for how they can be used concretely in the classroom. Also includes some discussion for the direction these developments may have for the future of education.







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