August 9, 2007
9:00 Introductions (Joe and Dave)
9:15 Tear Down the Walls
Twitter and Chatcasting using skype. Bringing "the world" into professional development. (A model for the classroom?) "How to." Also, we'll dump the "chatcast" into a wiki and use it as a propt for later reference and reflection.
More Photos and sources
9:45 Learning the Guitar or thinking about innovation in education
A model for using blogs and a suite of other online tools to amplify teaching and learning in the 21st century. Very tightly tied to curricular outcomes and good pedagogy.
11:15 Break
11:30 Whiplash!
This will be a lightening fast introduction to a selection of powerful online tools that teachers and students can use in and out of the classroom.
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Plenary (Joe and Dave)
1:45 Rip, Mix, Learn (playing with tools, build blogs, wikis, flickr accounts, and ???)
An introduction to the "Rip, Mix, Learn" metaphor and an overview of the K12 Online conference; teachers take control of their own learning and professional development ... then they pass that passion along to their students.
3:15 Closing (Joe and Dave)
3:30 End Day 1
August 10, 2007
9:00 What Can I Do Now That I Couldn't Do Before?
New Tools enable New Pedagogies. We will learn, using concrete examples, how to think about adapting and adopting new web 2.0 tools to create powerful learning experiences for students. We will also explore how to involve students deeply into the assessment process.
10:30 Break
10:45 Developing Expert Voices
An indepth look at leveraging the suite of tools we have been learning about to create meaningful and authentic assessment for all students. We will incorporate the ideas discussed in "What Can I Do Now That I COuldn't Do Before?" about involving students and key players in determining assessment criteria and creating learning objects that illustrate the expertise they have acquired in any course.
12:00 Lunch
Joe and Dave - Developing Professional Plans
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